Christianna Brand Death of Jezebel
John Dickson Carr And So to Murder
Fatal Descent (with Cecil Street)
The Judas Window
Vera Caspary Evvie
Frances Crane The Amber Eyes
Black Cypress
The Buttercup Case [2014]
The Coral Princess Murders
Death in Lilac Time [Winter 2013]
Death-Wish Green [Winter 2013]
The Flying Red Horse [2014]
Horror on the Ruby X
The Indigo Necklace
The Man in Gray
Murder in Bright Red
The Polkadot Murder
The Shocking Pink Hat
Thirteen White Tulips
The Ultraviolet Widow [2014]
Elizabeth Daly Unexpected Night
Dorothy Salisbury Davis The Judas Cat
Mildred Davis They Buried A Man
Lillian de la Torre Three Cases of Samuel Johnson
Mignon G. Eberhart Five Passengers from Lisbon
Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Backward Mule
Crows Can't Count
Give 'em the Ax
Baynard H. Kendrick Blood on Lake Louisa
Jonathan Latimer Sinners and Shrouds
Frances & Richard Lockridge The Dishonest Murderer
Helen McCloy Do Not Disturb
Two-Thirds of a Ghost
Stuart Palmer The Cases of Hildegarde Withers
Four Lost Ladies
Murder on Wheels
Jean Potts Death of a Stray Cat
Helen Reilly Name Your Poison
Tell Her It's Murder
The Dead Can Tell
The Farmhouse
John Rhode The Bloody Tower
Death on the Boat Train
Death Sits on the Board
Dr. Priestley Lays a Trap
The Elm Tree Murder [2014]
Fatal Descent  (as Cecil Street, with John Dickson Carr)
The Harvest Murder
Murder at Lilac Cottage [Winter 2013]
Craig Rice The Big Midget Murders
The Fourth Postman
Jethro Hammer
Kelley Roos The Blonde Died Dancing
Phoebe Atwood Taylor The Cape Cod Mystery
Beginning with a Bash
Diplomatic Corpse
The Iron Clew
Murder at the New York
Punch with Care
Three Plots for Asey Mayo
Darwin Teilhet The Feather Cloak Murders
The Talking Sparrow Murders
The Ticking Terror Murders [Winter 2013]
R.A.J. Walling A Corpse by Any Other Name [Winter 2013]
The Corpse with the Eerie Eye
The Late Unlamented

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